Cacao and Tobacco Ceremony
Join Connie and Fionn for a sacred Cacao and Tobacco ceremony to embrace the season of Autumn, let go and clear out our internal space and make room for what’s to come.
We will be weaving together the heart-opening magic of Mamma Cacao and the truth and clarity of Grandfather Tobacco, to support us in gaining deeper insight into the wisdom of the season.
The intention for our monthly circles is to consciously work with Mother Nature’s seasonal cycles. When we connect to the rhythm of Nature, we can begin to connect more deeply to our body and mind in ways that are nurturing and grounding. Through the wisdom of Nature’s seasonal cycles, we will be working with the energies and symbolism of the season. Our own bodies hold a cyclical wisdom and when we are in sync with the cycle of Nature, our life begins to flow harmoniously. By deepening our connection to our truth, our hearts, our feminine power and our great Mother Earth who holds us in her love, we begin to see the invisible vibration of Creation that pulses and breathes with all of Life.
As the temperatures start to drop and we watch the leaves flutter to the ground, we are reminded that nature’s cycles are mirrored in our lives. Autumn is a time for letting go and making space for what’s yet to come.
Letting go is simply a process of creating space…
Autumn is a sacred time to check in and ask ourselves:
What matters most to us?
Who are we at our core level?
Are we living life in accordance with what we hold most true?
What is worth living for?
What do we want to let go of so we can make space for what is truly right for us?
In every moment we have the opportunity to awaken to our life. Our soul is rooting for us to have the courage to become exactly who we are.
This ceremony will be a wonderful occasion to connect with your heart, your intuition and allow yourself to step into new levels of connection and gratitude with yourself.
This is a safe space to reconnect with your sacred wild feminine and intuition. A Circle of Love. A space where we laugh, we share, we move, where we are fully accepted. A Sisterhood where you can honour your inner wild power and join the call from the Divine Feminine, to rise fully rooted in the truth of who you are.
Together we will create a sacred and safe space to support and acknowledge each other’s unlimited potential.
Step out of the circle of time and into a circle of love – Rumi
Cacao & Tobacco Ceremony (Sister Circle)
Date: Sunday, 22 January 2022
Time: 16:30 – 20:00
Venue: Santosa Wellness Centre, Edinburgh
Booking and More Details:
This 3-hour Sister circle will include a Cacao ceremony, movement, Tobacco ceremony, journaling, sharing circle and time to just be and chat about the evening and life in general.
- November 27, 2022
4:30 pm - 8:00 pm - January 22, 2023
4:30 pm - 8:00 pm